In Country Adoption Programme:
Out of 14 (fourteen) children, 3 (three) are for adoption. We started with a 17 hour old baby and approximately 4 month Old girls. As soon as we received the children we rushed to the District Head Quarter Hospital and put the Children in Intensive Care Unit and the Children are with us and we are looking for families.
We have admitted 5 Children (4 Girls and 1 Boy) in Debendrapur Primary School, run by the State.
We are also making necessary arrangements to admit the rest of children of our Children’s Home in Debendrapur U.P School after the Right to Education became an Act. The Education Authorities of the District have agreed to admit the rest students on 15th April, 2011 i.e., in the next Educational Year.
The Organisation has also rescued one child labour, brought to the Children’s Home, and is taking care of the Food, Accommodation, Clothing, Educational and Medical Expenses of the Children. Without our intervention the Children would not have any access to education.
We had also organized picnic and outings, organized annual sports meet and celebration of different festivals during the year under the report.
In order to achieve this aim and reach out to larger sections of the society, we planned three strategic objectives.
- 1. To extend our reach to more orphan children through strategic partnerships with child focused organizations in the district, neighbouring districts and later on in the state.
- 2. To develop a sustainable model we need to take up some sort of income generation activities.
- 3. Constitutional and legal provisions view the child as a homogeneous entity, where as, in reality, there is a mark difference in the treatment of girl children. Now, it is time to think in terms of revisions in legal statutes so as to accord preferential treatment to girl child workers/ labour/ domestic help etc.
