  About Us» Background

The ‘Sisu Vikas Samiti’ is a non profit making and non religious, and non political organization founded for the Welfare of the poor, abandoned neglected and orphan children.

The “Sisu Vikas Samiti” has been formed by a group of individuals who have joined hands to try and find a solution to today’s most burning problem of the neglected child. 

Every child needs specialized and individual care and the right of each child to be a permanent, nurturing family supersedes all global, social, religious and national boundaries. etc.

As a matter of Policy,  the Sisu Vikas Samiti, does not discriminate on the basis of race, colour, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, national or ethnic origin or physical disability.

Sisu Vikas Samiti is a nongovernmental, secular and non political organization and offers its service to all categories of children irrespective of age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, nationality, physical and intellectual ability, caste or class.

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